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Turning 30 and Traveling the World!

Writer: Tiffs TravelsTiffs Travels

Updated: Jul 13, 2024

Thirty. The big 3-0. A milestone that seems to carry more weight than my carry-on to Antarctica (i.e. stuffed to the brim, barely able to zip, and literally falling apart). It’s the age that comes with a strange mix of excitement, dread, and a hefty dose of contemplation. Am I supposed to feel like an adult now? Because I’m not sure I do. But let’s take a little journey, shall we? Not just through my twenties, but through the kaleidoscope of emotions and adventures that have brought me to this very moment.

The Thrilling Twenties: A Decade of Travel

Oh, the twenties! A decade when my passport became my best friend and airport terminals, my second home. It all began when I was 20, a bright-eyed adventurer, ready to take on the world. My first major international trip was to England. Picture this: a young me, standing in front of Big Ben, utterly in awe. It was love at first sight, and not just with the picturesque cityscapes, but with the entire concept of travel.

England 2015 with my college room mate.
England 2015 with my college room mate.

From there, the wanderlust only grew stronger. During grad school, I found myself falling head over heels for Austria. It wasn’t just the stunning architecture or the rich history; it was the feeling of being somewhere completely new, yet oddly familiar. It was the food, the culture, and the people who welcomed me with open arms. Austria, you have a special place in my heart. The 2016 OG Go Encounter Austria will forever be one of my favorite trips. The friendships made on that trip are so special to me.

Shoutout to the Captains who all have birthdays this week!
Austria 2016. Shoutout to the Captains who all have birthdays this week!

But I didn’t stop there. My twenties were a whirlwind of discovering new places, people, foods, and traditions. I’ve been to 26 countries and 6 continents. I’ve cannonballed into 3 oceans (and let me tell you, the Southern Ocean is particularly bracing). Each destination brought something unique into my life, adding flavors to my soul that I didn’t even know existed.

(Pictures from the Polar Plunge in Antarctica 2024. My face in the 2nd one says it all.

It was COLD!!)

Sharing the Love: Go Encounter Trips

One of the most rewarding experiences of my twenties has been leading Go Encounter trips. These trips have given me the opportunity to share my love of travel with students, teaching them how to travel well and be good global citizens. It’s about more than just seeing new places; it’s about understanding and respecting different cultures. I encourage my students to ask questions when they encounter something unfamiliar rather than rushing to judgment. Through these trips, I've seen students grow, become more open-minded, and develop a genuine curiosity about the world.

I love being "Mother Goose" or "Fairy Godmother" to students. My main roll on Go Encounter trips is to be there when they spill their guts (sometimes literally) and have that "Aha" moment. I love helping them process the different aspects of a culture and filter everything through our view of the world as Christians. We know God created all things and all people. He created cultures and celebrates traditions, and He cares about each of the people we interact with, no matter the different background, world view, or beliefs. I think one of the best things a Christian can do, besides studying the Bible and participating in a local church, is to travel the world and connect with other believers. Go learn from them and see what the global church is like (spoiler alert: It's awesome!)

Go Encounter Kenya 2023
Go Encounter Kenya 2023

Feeling Behind or Right on Track?

Now, let’s talk about that sneaky little feeling of being behind in life. You know the one I’m talking about. The one that creeps in when you see friends buying houses, getting promotions, or raising tiny humans. Meanwhile, I’m over here planning my next trip, wondering if I can fit another souvenir into my ever-expanding collection.

But here’s the thing: I wouldn’t trade my experiences for anything. Yes, there are moments when I question if I’m on the right path. But then I remember the view of the sunrise over the Masai Mara in Kenya from our hot air balloon , the taste of fresh croissants in the French Riviera, and the warmth of a stranger’s smile in Vietnam. These are the moments that have shaped me, that have taught me more about life and myself than any traditional milestone could.

(Masai Mara sunrise hot air balloon 2021, French Riviera 2019, Vietnam 2023)

And honestly, who decided what the “normal” life path is anyway? Society’s timelines are more rigid than an airline’s carry-on size limit. But life, like travel, is about the journey, not the destination. It’s about collecting stories, making memories, and finding joy in the unexpected detours.

Being single at 30? Yeah, it’s a mixed bag. There are days when I hate it, when I long for a husband to share these incredible experiences with. But I’ve come to realize that all I need, God provides. It’s in the waiting that I’ve found peace, knowing that waiting well is a sign of worship. Trusting God’s timing has been a lesson in patience and faith. So, while I wait, I continue to live fully, embracing every moment and every opportunity that comes my way. I'm not waiting standing still, I'm full steam ahead on the path I've been given. If (when? IDK🤷🏻‍♀️) a husband comes along he can run and catch up!

Living life on the beach in Mexico 2023
Living life on the beach in Mexico 2023

Turning 30 and Traveling the World

Turning 30 isn’t just about looking back; it’s about looking forward with excitement. The world is still my oyster, and there are so many places left to explore, so many adventures waiting to be had. The idea of stepping into this new decade feels like boarding a flight to an unknown destination – thrilling, a bit daunting, but full of endless possibilities.

There’s a certain confidence that comes with reaching 30. It’s like earning frequent flyer miles in life. You’ve been through enough to know that turbulence is temporary, that delayed flights can lead to unexpected joys, and that sometimes, the best plan is no plan at all. I’m stepping into this decade with a sense of clarity and assurance that I am exactly where I need to be.

Zooming through Hue, Vietnam like a local 2023
Zooming through Hue, Vietnam like a local 2023

A Toast to the Past and Cheers to the Future

As I raise my glass (of sparkling water, because hydration is key), I can’t help but toast to the past decade. Here’s to the countless flights, the unforgettable meals, the friendships forged in foreign airports, and the moments of pure, unadulterated joy. Here’s to the times I got lost and found something extraordinary, to the misadventures that turned into the best stories, and to the lessons learned along the way.

And here’s to the future. To new horizons, new challenges, and new memories. To the next stamp in my passport, the next unfamiliar cuisine that becomes a favorite, and the next person I meet who changes my perspective on the world.

( 6 Continents: Bahamas 2021, Austria 2016, Israel 2023, Kenya 2023, Argentina 2024, Antarctica 2024)

Australia, I’m Coming for You

Before I wrap up this love letter to my twenties and my travels, there’s one more thing to say: Australia, I’m coming for you. You’ve been on my list for a while, and it’s high time we meet. From the Great Barrier Reef to the Outback, from Sydney’s iconic Opera House to the rugged beauty of Uluru, I’m ready to dive into everything you have to offer (and maybe cannonball into another ocean while I’m at it).

So here’s to 30. Here’s to being exactly where I need to be, to embracing the unknown, and to continuing this incredible journey called life. If the past decade has taught me anything, it’s that the best is yet to come. And I can’t wait to see where this next chapter takes me.

Just another day in the office. On a beach in a different country!
Just another day in the office. On a beach in a different country!

Cheers to turning 30 and traveling the world and the many adventures ahead!


Shirley Cummins
Shirley Cummins
Jul 13, 2024

Tiff -- I read every word and enjoyed traveling with you around the world!! You might be a college professor someday!! As far as traveling "alone", God has led you in so many adventures and when he has "that plan" ready, He will let you know!! Remember some of Grandma's favorite verses I have given all my grandkids, Proverbs 3:5-6 ~~~ He will not let you down!! I love you so very much!! (And grandpa does, too!!!) Thank you for sharing!!!😍 Grandma Cummins


Jul 12, 2024

Tiff, this was beautiful and so well written. Cheers to another decade of travel and adventure - hopefully I can join you on one some day 🙂


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