Go Forth and Travel
I have been blessed to travel around the world, experiencing sights, smells, and sounds that some people only ever dream about. I can't explain the feeling of finally arriving at a place you have previously only ever read about. I can't describe the feeling you get when you step on to the hallowed ground of a historical battle or the regal halls of a beautiful palace. Words don't do justice the overwhelming sense of helpless compassion you experience when you walk into a prison camp of a war gone by, how you feel the history and the stories of the victims and survivors. Travel doesn't just enhance your worldview, travel changes you from the inside out.
Remember the feeling you had when you finished your favorite book for the first time, how you were so happy you had that experience, but in the same moment you wish you could experience it again for the first time. That's the feeling you receive when you travel. Whether it's making family memories or experiencing some distant land, the best souvenir you receive as a traveler is the memories, the experiences.
As we step into the unknown of the future, let's not forget this wonder that travel brings. That experiencing new places, people, and culture will never go out of style. That it's impossible to travel and not come home a changed person with a renewed sense of the world around you and your fellow man. That as cliché as it may sound, there's more, so MUCH more, that connects us then divides us.
So continue to travel, to explore, to seek, to discover, and to renew your mind and sense of self by seeing the world. I know I will.
Where do you want to go next?

(2018 Come sail away with me)